analysis 1 year ago
Total dictatorship
People with different skin colors are in a line of assault and the only green dot is their blindfold. Fernando Botero, a famous Colombian painter, painted Abu Ghraib 46 in 2005. This work from the famous Abu Ghraib collection, with a slight difference in the color spectrum of the prisoners' skin, refers to the pervasiveness of dictatorship in different strata and different ethnic gr...
analysis 1 year ago
"Abuse of power is not surprising"
"Abuse of power is no surprise" is one of the most famous and of course the last examples of this work period of Jenny Holtzer. He has designed and implemented this slogan in the form of stickers, posters and t-shirts. The directness of this work lies in the simplicity and expressiveness of the message that directly conveys the artist's intended theme to the audience.