analysis 1 week ago
Collecting quotations from four international collectors
Among the famous collectors of the world, according to the Larryslist site, we can mention famous names such as Kobi and Sophia, Fabian Friens, Heiner Wemhoner and Benjamin Sigg, and each of them has been examined in short texts and their definition of collecting.
analysis 2 months ago
Today's past meeting
So far, Kamrani's artistic path has been formed on the border between past, present, and current myths and contexts, and the collections "Edge", "Where it doesn't matter where" and "A Tour of Iran on Banknotes" can be seen as an example of his approach in creating his works. commented Historical and contemporary aspects are evident in his collections, and the result of the creation...
analysis 2 months ago
Blues and more elements
Although in the upcoming works of Mehdi Hosseini, we are facing more elements than other works of this artist, but still the predominance of blue and their companionship with green leaves can be seen on landscapes and figures. The choice of color and the type of perspective or depth view of the bed in these paintings and prints are all signs of Mehdi Hosseini's attention to painting...
analysis 8 months ago
Sculpture with three approaches
Sculpture has played an important role in shaping the path of Iranian modernists. The influence of sculpture in Iran's modernism can be seen through the works of Jazeh Tabatbai, who turned waste into lasting art, and the works of Tanavoli, looking at ancient traditions, and the expressionist works of Fasunki.
analysis 9 months ago
Popular layout of modernists
From the approach inspired by Cubism in Kaku's works to the surrealist look of #Abdi_Esbaghi ​​or the minimalist lines of #Manochahar_Ektai, still life is seen in art. Despite the fact that still life does not have a long life in Iranian art, it has always been used as a popular subject in modernism art and has quickly become an attractive subject for painters.
analysis 9 months ago
A place for all artists
12 art students in two faculties of decorative arts and fine arts established Iran Hall from July 1343 to 1357. Ruyin Pakbaz, Mansour Kandriz, Mohammad Reza Jodat, Faramarz Pilaram, Morteza Mamiz, Siros Malik, Masoud Arabshahi, Sadiq Tabrizi, Farshid Mothghali, Qabad Shiva, Hadi Hezavehi and Parviz (Mohammed) Mahalati founded this hall and one year later With the untimely death of M...
analysis 11 months ago
Water tank with colors
Escaping from the fiery rays of the sun on the colorful waters brings to mind summer. So far, summer has been an excuse to immerse yourself in water, and now summer is also an excuse to review works focusing on swimming and creating art from moments of summer recreation around water.
analysis 11 months ago
Rain from the canvas window and lens
An artist like Abbas Kiarostami has preserved images with a very distinctive and distinctive look of rain in front and behind the glass. From Rembrandt, Gustave Caillebotte, John Falter and Wassily Kandinsky to Gerhard Richter, they have all looked at rain through the lens of their own form and style, and among Iranian painters, contemporary names such as Shivash Khoshbakht and Siav...
analysis 11 months ago
Cubism in tradition
Garnik's collection of still lifes in Hakobyan, on the one hand, are reminiscent of Armenian traditions, and on the other hand, by adapting Cubist teachings, they create a lyrical mood.
analysis 11 months ago
A picture of Paradise Garden
Red roofs in a blue space show a combination of two complementary colors together. The thin trunks of the trees in this work by Hossein Mahjoubi are reminiscent of the technique that made the artist famous during his career. Masking with cold colors and blurring the background creates images that can be called ethereal.